What a Motley Crue (stupid 80's pun intended)! If you need glasses to find yourself in this crowd, welcome to the club. Instead of making us get out the magnifying glass to find you, why don't you post a new picture of yourself on this page? Just make sure you give us a "then" and a "now" shot so we can recognize you.
JUST SO YOU KNOW, YOU DON'T HAVE TO POST A PICTURE IN ORDER TO SUBMIT YOUR PROFILE. If you don't have a picture, can't post a picture, or don't want to post a picture, we'd still like to hear about what is going on in your life! So before you leave this page, be sure to submit a profile whether or not it includes your picture.
WE NEED YOUR PROFILE SO WE HAVE YOUR UPDATED INFO FOR OUR UNPUBLISHED CURRENT CLASS DIRECTORY. In order for us to keep in touch with you for future events, we need your current contact info. Your basic contact info (address, phone, e-mail) is NOT displayed on the website, so your privacy is protected. If you don't want to put up a paragraph about your life or post your picture, please consider registering a profile without them just so we have current contact information for you. If you don't want any of your information about yourself published on the website, simply indicate that on your registration form in the box labeled "comments" and we will not put your profile up we will simply store your information in the unpublished directory.
Please note: Your profile will not appear on the website immediately. We will do our best to have it up for you within 24 hours. Also, if you need us to upload your senior photo, we will. Just indicate that you need our help as you fill out your profile and we will make sure it appears along with all of your other information.